Co-live, Co-work, Co-create!

“Komli” is a space for co-creation for local community members, researchers, artists and organizations, as well as Georgian and  international volunteers willing to learn about local communities in the region.

The idea of a Co-creation space is based on empathy and the co-living Concept, where you can think, observe, research and co-create.

Komli Community fund

Welcome to our small town’s community Center Komli! Our NGO is all about supporting local youth ideas with our Community Fund. 🌟

In our friendly  environment, we believe in our young people’s creativity and dreams. The Community Fund is our way of helping them shine.

We’re here to support any idea from our youth, whether it’s starting a small business, creating art for our streets, or making positive changes in our community.

Through the Community Fund, we offer money, guidance, and a chance for young people to share their talents and make a real difference in our town.

Let’s work together to make our town even better, one great idea at a time!


For the donation:





აღნიშნული ვებ-გვერდის მომზადება შესაძლებელი გახდა ამერიკელი ხალხისა და აშშ-ის საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს (USAID) მხარდაჭერით, USAID-ის ძლიერი სოფლის პროგრამის ფარგლებში. ვებ-გვერდზე გამოხატული შეხედულებები არ ასახავს აშშ-ის საერთაშორისო განვითარების სააგენტოს ან აშშ-ის მთავრობის მოსაზრებებს.



This webpage was made possible with support from the American people, funded through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and delivered by the USAID Resilient Communities Program. The contents of the website do not reflect the opinion of USAID or the U.S. Government.


